Leadership Lessons from Moses #1

As leaders we often see challenges and problems negatively, we think they are intended to destroy and damage us. But God has promised us that He will work all together for good, so we should start seeing opportunities emerging through our challenges and problems. From...

Risk Taking

When entrepreneurs stop taking risks, they become small businesses. When pioneers stop taking risks, they become settlers. And when visionaries stop taking risks, they become monuments. What about leaders? When leaders stop taking risks, they become followers....

Broken Mirrors

When we look at ourselves through many mirrors Our family/ society/ culture/ relationships etc but they have all become broken. But, when we see ourselves through a broken mirror, we see distorted images. The only unbroken mirror is God’s Word – learn to...

First World Problems

In my interactions with first world and developing countries I found that lack of purpose is a first world problem, because when you are poor your purpose is very clear – survival – get food, water and shelter! So, I sometimes wonder, who is the blessed,...