From Numbers 11, this is the fifth of 6 key lessons we can learn from Moses’ attitude towards his problems and how God used his problems to increase His Leadership capacity.

Leadership Lesson 5: Are you leading a crowd or a team?

Moses was leading a crowd and not a team- he was a one man show – not empowering others, not delegating – perhaps a control freak and a perfectionist? (v13-16).

His language reflects that – where am I to get meat?  I am not able to bear it; burden is too heavy for me.  When you build teams not only jobs and responsibilities are shared by them – problems are also. So you don’t have to carry the entire load by yourself. But Moses had no one to share this with you. This is highlighted to him when his father in law comes to visit him. (God can even use your father in law to help youJ)

Later on in this story we see God’s answer to Moses’ problems was to build a team, who shared his spirit, vision and DNA.

People often ask me how can you live in Australia and yet lead a large ministry in Asia?  It was a strategic decision – best way for leaders to be raised up and teams to be built is for you to be absent!! (at least for periods of time!!)

–        Are you leading a crowd or a team?
–        If you were to take a long vacation what will happen to the work you are leading?