7 Principles for Leading through COVID-19

7 Principles for Leading through COVID-19

A crisis like Covid-19 presents many leadership challenges: we have never been here before! There is no well-worn path; no lamp posts to show the way; no maps to guide us. Leaders around the world are forging new ways to lead within our new framework. Click here to...

Leadership Lessons from Moses #6

From Numbers 11, this is the sixth of 6 key lessons we can learn from Moses’ attitude towards his problems and how God used his problems to increase His Leadership capacity. Leadership Lesson 6: Realise all that God has put inside of you Moses did not realise, what...

Leadership Lessons from Moses #5

From Numbers 11, this is the fifth of 6 key lessons we can learn from Moses’ attitude towards his problems and how God used his problems to increase His Leadership capacity. Leadership Lesson 5: Are you leading a crowd or a team? Moses was leading a crowd and not a...

Leadership Lessons from Moses #1

As leaders we often see challenges and problems negatively, we think they are intended to destroy and damage us. But God has promised us that He will work all together for good, so we should start seeing opportunities emerging through our challenges and problems. From...

The Essence of Christianity #4

1.     We are to love like Jesus (that you love one another: just as I have loved you) How did he love us? In John 13 – where he asks to love one another, he was troubled because of betrayal and denial – but he still loved them and asks us to do the same. Rom 5:8,...