Broken Mirrors

When we look at ourselves through many mirrors Our family/ society/ culture/ relationships etc but they have all become broken. But, when we see ourselves through a broken mirror, we see distorted images.

The only unbroken mirror is God’s Word – learn to look at yourself daily in this mirror, renew you mind through this – then you will see the beauty.

Even leaders need to lead from healthy self image – Broken leaders break people.

The Grace of God

The grace of God is evident from the first sin,

Genesis 3:21  The LORD God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them.

Vs. 23  So the LORD God sent the man out of the Garden of Eden to farm the ground from which the man had been formed.

God did not cast them out naked and exposed, even though they deserved to, He made clothes and dressed them before sending them out. Consequence Yes but still covered and clothed by His love and grace.

Provision or Provider?

No matter how much you try to accommodate a splinter, it does’t belong in your body, it will cause pain and ultimately has to be removed. Don’t try to accommodate what doesn’t belong to you. The sooner you deal with the difficult and uncomfortable things the healthier the body will be.

Proverbs 12:25 (NKJV): “Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.”

When someone help you especially in a big way, don’t give them the place or honor that belong to God who is your true helper.

Don’t be confused about the way of provision and the provider

God is love and outside of God how can we find any solution to these challenges? Praying for more of God, which should result in more love which should result in peace and harmony! But all starts with God!

First World Problems

In my interactions with first world and developing countries I found that lack of purpose is a first world problem, because when you are poor your purpose is very clear – survival – get food, water and shelter!

So, I sometimes wonder, who is the blessed, and who are not.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish, but those that keep the law, happy are they.”

I ask you today, Do you have vision? Purpose? Are you keeping the faith and staying focused on God’s purpose for your life?


People don’t fail because of lack of information, but because of lack of character.

Follow Jossy

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